Dealing with dental problems can feel relentless, impacting your enjoyment of food and your confidence in your smile. Challenges like difficulty eating and discomfort in social and professional settings due to missing teeth can significantly undermine your self-assurance and self-worth. Fortunately, dental implants provide a transformative remedy, enhancing function and appearance.
At BFC Dental Implant Center in Bangkok, Thailand, we offer specialized dental implant care to local and international patients. From your initial consultation to the final placement of your implants, we manage everything in-house, ensuring a seamless and exceptional experience. Regaining your confidence and fully embracing life’s pleasures is possible with cutting-edge techniques and comprehensive care!
We begin with a comprehensive consultation to discuss your dental concerns, smile aspirations, and medical history. During this visit, we will use digital diagnostics such as X-rays, cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) scans, and intraoral scanners to assess oral health thoroughly. This collaborative approach helps us identify and plan your desired aesthetic outcomes, ensuring confidence in every phase of your treatment journey.
Our primary goal is to transform your smile from its current state to your ideal vision. We will diagnose any dental health issues and develop a customized treatment plan to ensure your new smile functions flawlessly and looks natural and beautiful. Once we complete your treatment plan, we will present it and fine-tune every detail to ensure your smile is exactly how you want it.
Once we create and finalize your personalized treatment plan, we will proceed with your implant surgery. This procedure will span over two days, with one arch being placed daily. Following our All-on-4® protocol, we will strategically position four implants in predetermined spots within your jawbone.
After placing both arches, we will take precise impressions for your dental bridge. This meticulous process ensures a secure foundation and a perfect fit for your new smile, setting the stage for exceptional functional and aesthetic results.
After securing both sets of dental implants, we will place your temporary dental bridge. This bridge, crafted from durable nanoceramic material, lets you enjoy your new smile immediately. Designed for comfort and functionality, the temporary bridge supports your daily activities while your mouth heals, ensuring you can eat, speak, and confidently smile throughout the healing process.
Once your implants are in place and your nanoceramic dental bridge is attached, we will conduct a thorough recheck to ensure proper healing and a precise fit. During this follow-up, we will assess the implants’ stability and the bridge’s comfort, making any necessary adjustments to ensure optimal functionality and aesthetics. This careful monitoring allows us to address any minor issues promptly, ensuring you can confidently enjoy your new smile as your mouth heals.
We will welcome you back for phase two of your treatment, scheduled 4-6 months after phase one. During this crucial phase, we will begin by taking final impressions of your mouth. These impressions ensure that your final prosthetic fits seamlessly and perfectly in function and appearance. By capturing the precise details of your healed oral structures, we can craft a prosthetic that blends naturally with your existing teeth, providing you with a beautiful and lasting smile.
We will place your hand-crafted final prosthesis meticulously made from high-quality zirconia. This final prosthesis not only enhances the aesthetics of your smile but also ensures superior durability and functionality. Backed by a five-year warranty, we guarantee your smile will always feel, look, and function at its best. With proper care and regular dental checkups, your implants can last a lifetime, providing you with a beautiful, confident smile for years to come!
I was terrified of the dentist and it led me to a full mouth disaster.
I was terrified of the dentist and it led me to a full mouth disaster.
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Phone Number:
+66 (9) 5551 3107
347 Bangna-Trad Road
Bang Na Nuea, Bangkok 10260
Phone Numbers:
+66 (9) 5551 3107
57 Suphaphong 1 Alley, Lane 1, Srinakarin Road
Nong Bon, Prawet, Bangkok 10250